
  • As of 31/12/2023, the Company had 12 204 shareholders.
  • The Company has 20 million shares. As of 31/12/2023, 24.58%, i.e. 4,916,166 of the Company’s shares form the free float on the stock exchange.
  • 1.70% of the free float is owned by foreign institutional investors, 6.13% is owned by Estonian institutional investors and 16.75% of the free float is owned by retail investors.
  • Apart from the main investors, the City of Tallinn and OÜ Utilitas, no single investor holds more than 5% of the Company’s share capital.

Share capital as per the number of shares acquired as of 31/12/2023

  Shareholders 2023 (2022) Shareholders % 2023 (2022) Number of shares 2023 (2022)  % of share capital 2023 (2022)
1 – 100 8 521 (7 939) 69,8% (69,7%) 244 401 (230 584) 1,2% (1,2%)
101 – 200 1 357 (1 205) 11,1% (10,6%) 204 080 (182 018) 1,0% (0,9%)
201 – 300 582 (539) 4,8% (4,7%) 149 473 (139 150) 0,7% (0,7%)
301 – 500 570 (535) 4,7% (4,7%) 233 222 (217 390) 1,2% (1,1%)
501 – 1 000 548 (530) 4,5% (4,7%) 408 499 (394 792) 2,0% (2,0%)
1 001 – 5 000 502 (513) 4,1% (4,5%) 1 092 638 (1 113 130) 5,5% (5,6%)
5 001 – 10 000 71 (76) 0,6% (0,7%) 517 099 (556 824) 2,6% (2,8%)
10 001 – 50 000 44 (44) 0,4% (0,4%) 914 271 (955 252) 4,6% (4,8%)
50 000 + 9 (9) 0,1% (0,1%) 16 236 317 (16 210 860) 81,2% (81,1%)
TOTAL 12 204 100,0% 20 000 000 100,0%