2021: Information about Supervisory Council member candidates
Allar Jõks
Allar Jõks is an Attorney-at-law and partner in the law firm Sorainen. He has previously worked as a judge at the county court and district court, and has served as the Chancellor of Justice of the Republic of Estonia. Allar Jõks has the BA and MA in law from the University of Tartu. Allar Jõks is an acknowledged expert in constitutional and administrative law. Allar Jõks has been an independent member of AS Tallinna Vesi’s Supervisory Council since 2013.
He owns no shares in AS Tallinna Vesi.
Priit Rohumaa
Priit Rohumaa has been an independent member of AS Tallinna Vesi’s Supervisory Council since 2017. He has many years of managerial experience in Estonia’s oil shale sector. He worked in a number of managerial positions in Viru Keemia Grupp: first as the Chief Financial Officer and thereafter as the Chairman of the Management Board in the years 2000-2015. Priit Rohumaa is the Chairman of the Council of Ekspress Grupp. member of the Council of Admiral Markets Group and member of the Management Board of European Business Angel Network (EBAN).
He owns no shares in AS Tallinna Vesi.