AS Tallinna Vesi’s sales revenue in the 1st quarter increased to €12 million

AS Tallinna Vesi’s sales revenue increased by 2.3% in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the previous year and reached 12.05 million. The sales revenue growth was attributable to the commercial customers’ increased consumption of water services.

AS Tallinna Vesi’si sales from water services sold to commercial customers reached €3.84 million in the first quarter of 2022, showing a 18% increase on the same period last year. “The main factor behind the growth of sales revenue was the easement of the restrictions resulting from the slowdown in the spread of the coronavirus, which enabled the full reopening of the capital’s hospitality sector,” said Aleksandr Timofejev, Chairman of the Board of AS Tallinna Vesi. As a result, the occupancy rates improved and the volume of water services consumed by commercial customers increased.

AS Tallinna Vesi’s sales from water services sold to private customers decreased 4% compared to the first quarter of last year, reaching €4.9 million. “The decline in consumption volumes for private customers was also linked to the easement of restrictions for preventing the spread of the coronavirus, which resulted in our customers spending more time outside the home than before,” Timofejev said.

AS Tallinna Vesi’s gross profit for the first quarter of 2021 was €4.38 million, showing a decrease of 15.4% over the year. The decrease in gross profit is mainly related to the growth in direct operational costs, including costs of chemicals and electricity, which increased 51% compared to the same period last year. The Company’s operating profit was €3 million in the first quarter, showing a decrease of €1.66 million compared to the same period last year.

The Company’s net profit was €2.88 million in the first quarter of 2022, which is €1.67 million less than in the same period of 2021. The decrease in net profit was influenced by changes in operating profit and net financial costs.

According to AS Tallinna Vesi’s dividends policy the Company aims to distribute 50-80% of the Company’s annual profit as dividends to its shareholders. On 28 April, the Company’s Supervisory Council approved the Board’s dividend proposal to the general meeting of shareholders to pay the shareholders a dividend of €0.65 per share of the annual profit in 2021. The payout is equal to 80% of the net profit for 2021.

In the first three months of the year, the Company reconstructed nearly 600 meters of water pipes and more than 2600 meters of sewers. “In 2022, we aim to renovate at least 16 kilometres of water pipes and sewers. Currently, arrangements have already been made for the renovation of 17 kilometres of pipes,” said Timofejev. Extensive renovation work will take place this year on Järvevana Road and Tulika, Kotka, Sõle and Lõime Streets. The sewer pipes will also be renovated in Astangu area. In cooperation with the energy group Utilitas, pipes will be renovated in Kesk-Luha, Uue-Maailma, Õllepruuli and Tuvi Streets.

AS Tallinna Vesi works closely with the City of Tallinn in preparing a public water supply and sewerage development plan for the next 12-year period. The plan will be completed in the summer of 2022 and it will serve as a basis for preparing the development and investment plan of the Company, to develop Tallinn’s water and sewerage network in co-operation with the City of Tallinn.

AS Tallinna Vesi started and continued with investment projects, which will ensure the sustainability of water and sewerage services. Such as the renovation of the main pumping station shaft, the effluent outlet tower and the aeration tanks in Paljassaare that are part of the wastewater treatment process. At the water treatment side, renovation works are carried out on the filters that are part of the treatment process and at the water pumping station in Rummu Street.

The quality indicators of Tallinna Vesi in the first quarter of 2022 were at a very good level – the company provided a reliable and high-quality water and wastewater service. The quality of tap water provided by AS Tallinna Vesi was at an excellent level in the first quarter of 2022, being 100% compliant with all quality requirements. During the first three months of the year, the Company took 842 water samples.

Treated wastewater also fully compliant with all regulations and standards. Treated wastewater is discharged from the wastewater treatment plant into the Baltic Sea, in which it directly affects the marine environment. Significantly lower levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in the effluent discharged into the sea is a proof of the excellent level of treated effluent.

Snowy winter and cold weather conditions in the first months of the year as usually affected the level of water loss and the number of sewer collapses. Although the parameters were slightly higher in the first quarter, they showed a decrease due to the milder weather conditions in March. Despite the increase, customers were guaranteed a continuous and high-quality water and wastewater service in the first quarter.