Tallinna Vesi added sustainability criteria to its syndicated loan

AS Tallinna Vesi added sustainability criteria to its syndicated loan agreement to support the company’s strategic objectives, with SEB Estonia...

4 July 2024 Read more

Changes in the Supervisory Board of AS Tallinna Vesi

The City of Tallinn appointed Karolina Ullman as a member of the Supervisory Council of AS Tallinna Vesi, whose term...

29 June 2024 Read more

Innovation: One fourth of the pipeline work this summer will be carried out using no-dig methods

This year, Tallinna Vesi intends to carry out the pipeline work with as little disruption as possible – 25% of...

27 June 2024 Read more

Tallinna Vesi’s new prices for water services were approved by the Competition Authority

The Competition Authority approved the new price for water services in the Tallinn and Saue area at €1.84 per m3...

30 May 2024 Read more

Tallinna Vesi´s Supervisory Council approved the financial results for 2023 and the dividend proposal

The Supervisory Council of AS Tallinna Vesi approved the audited financial results for 2023. The financial results have not changed...

5 April 2024 Read more

AS Tallinna Vesi applies to the Competition Authority for a change in the price for water services

AS Tallinna Vesi submitted an application to the Competition Authority on 21/09/2023 to increase the price for water services by...

21 September 2023 Read more

Traffic will be restricted on Tehnika Street starting from tomorrow

From 04/08/2023 to 21/08/2023, traffic on Tehnika Street in Tallinn and its immediate vicinity is restricted due to the need...

3 August 2023 Read more

Tallinna Vesi increased its sales and profit in the second quarter

AS Tallinna Vesi’s sales increased to €15.41 million and operating profit to €4.13 million in the second quarter. According to the Company's interim report for the...

28 July 2023 Read more

Tallinna Vesi was awarded the gold quality label issued by the Responsible Business Forum

Tallinna Vesi renewed the gold quality label in the Responsible Business Index received in 2021. The renewed gold quality label...

14 June 2023 Read more

Change in the Supervisory Council and in the Audit Committee of AS Tallinna Vesi

Due to the expiry of the 10-year term of office (criterion for an independent Board Member in accordance with the Corporate Governance Recommendations), the Annual...

1 June 2023 Read more

AS Tallinna Vesi’s financial results for the first quarter of 2023

In the first quarter of 2023, AS Tallinna Vesi earned €14.6 million in revenue and €3.50 million in net profit. The...

28 April 2023 Read more

AS Tallinna Vesi starts reconstruction of digesters producing biogas

AS Tallinna Vesi signed a public contract with RVT Ehitus and Mapri Ehitus for the reconstruction of digesters producing biogas...

28 February 2023 Read more