Additional chlorine is temporarily added to tap water in Pirita

Chlorine helps to maintain water quality in the pipeline and is added additionally to maintain high quality of drinking water. The smell and taste of chlorine can be felt in some areas of Pirita, most notably in the tap water of the area between the streets of Merivälja tee, Randvere tee and Kloostrimetsa tee.

It is a routine operational activity, so water can be still taken straight from the tap and used for drinking and preparing food. In order to reduce the taste and smell of chlorine, we recommend to fill a jug with tap water and keep it on the table or store in the fridge before drinking, as this should reduce the taste of chlorine.

The level of chlorine in water is regulated by the  Regulation No 61 by the Minister of Social Affairs on the quality and control requirements and analysis methods for drinking water. The quantities of chlorine added comply with the law and the chlorine levels are constantly monitored.

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