Submit your water meter reading in our upgraded Self-Service to win awesome prizes
Although giving a meter reading may seem like an annoying task, it benefits both the customer and the water company....
Although giving a meter reading may seem like an annoying task, it benefits both the customer and the water company....
Starting from June 1, we will re-open our Customer Service office at Ädala 10. We expect customers on Mon−Thu from 8.00 to 17.00 and on Fri from 8.00 to 15.00. We continue to be here to respond the customer inquiries...
Due to the COVID-19 situation in the Republic of Estonia and the consequent measures taken to protect the health of...
Due to the spread of COVID-19, we consider it necessary to take additional precautionary measures to protect the health of...
AS Tallinna Vesi has received information that a person presenting himself as employee of Tallinn Vesi has attempted to enter the...
Competition Authority’s decision No 9-3/2019-008, dated 18.10.2019, approved the new water tariffs on the basis of AS Tallinna Vesi’s application...
The Supervisory Council of AS Tallinna Vesi proposes a dividend pay-out of 0.75 euros per share. The proposal will be voted...
The 1st quarter of 2018 saw improvements in several operational indicators, of AS Tallinna Vesi, compared to previous years. Consistently...
AS Tallinna Vesi invites shareholders, investors, analysts and other stakeholders to join its investor conference webinar, scheduled on April the...
Tallinna Vee telefoniküsitluse tulemused näitasid, et pea kõik pealinna söögikohad pakuvad külastajatele soovi korral ka kraanivett. Veidi alla 90% küsitluses...
AS Tallinna Vesi’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders was held on Tuesday, 22nd of May 2012 from 09.00-11.27 at the...