About us
Audit Committee
Audit Committee reporting to the Supervisory Council of the Company is an independent entity aimed at:
- participating in the decision-making process on matters related to the Company;
- improving communication and cooperation between the owners, Supervisory Council, Management Board and the internal and external auditors of the Company;
- helping to make the internal audit system more effective;
- ensuring the transparency of financial reporting.
The Committee undertakes to monitor and analyse:
- the processing of financial information;
- the efficiency of risk management and internal controls;
- the process of auditing of annual accounts or consolidated accounts;
- the independence of an audit firm and a sworn auditor representing a company of auditors on the basis of law and compliance of the activities thereof with the other requirements of law.
The Audit Commitee consists of the following members of the Supervisory Board:
- Robert Kitt
- Mart Mägi
- Gerli Kivisoo