Orders the design, prepares a servitude drawing and application, and applies for the building permit
Renders its opinion on the design
Submits the application for connection and application for construction quote along with the WS detail design and building permit
Chooses the contractor
Prepares the connection contract
Pays the connection charge
Construction of the supply point
Construction of the pipes within the property
Inspects the pipes, prepares a boundary drawing
Finalising the service contract
Applies for the technical specifications
The first step in the connection procedure is to apply for technical specifications by filling in this form.
Technical specifications are necessary in order to design the water or sewer pipelines and to obtain the building permit. Technical specifications are issued free of charge.
Issues the technical specifications
AS Tallinna Vesi issues the technical specifications within 2 weeks as of the receipt of the customer’s application. The technical specifications issued will be valid for 1 year.
Should the customer not manage to obtain a design within 1 year, the customer may apply for the extension of the validity of technical specifications by filling in this form.
Orders the design, prepares a servitude drawing and application, and applies for the building permit
In order to obtain the design for water and sewer pipes the customer needs to contact a design company that will prepare a design on the basis of the technical specifications issued by AS Tallinna Vesi and that will ensure that the design complies with the requirements. In order to obtain the design for water and sewer pipes the customer needs to contact a company with a specific competence, i.e. its activities entered into the Register of Economic Activities include, inter alia, the preparation of a building design for the public water supply and sewerage systems, including pumping stations, treatment plants and other related infrastructure.
The design works include drawing up a servitude drawing and preparing an application for the pipes coming into the ownership or operation of AS Tallinna Vesi. A connection contract can only be concluded after the conclusion of the servitude agreement. To establish the servitude, the following materials must be sent to the address servituut(at)tvesi.ee:
A servitude drawing drawn up either in .dgn or .dwg and in .pdf format and in the national coordinate system 1:500 to 1:1000. When formatting, please place the drawing on A4 format in such a way that 4 cm from the top and bottom edge is left empty, as shown on the sample drawing.
Extract from the design, including the summary table of approvals, opinions and views (in the case of unreformed state land).
Thereafter, the design is to be submitted to the local government for the issue of a building permit.
Renders its opinion on the design
The design for water and/or sewer pipes along with the building permit is then to be submitted to AS Tallinna Vesi in digital form via the State Register for Construction Works (www.ehr.ee). Designs on paper shall not be accepted.
Submits the application for connection and application for construction quote along with the WS detail design and building permit
Before the mini-competition for finding the builder is carried out, the connectee must fill in the application for connection that can be found here and the form describing the works that can be found here.
Chooses the contractor
As of 01.04.2021, AS Tallinna Vesi arranges a mini-competition between 13 previously qualified competent construction companies. List of the companies can be found here.
The construction works and the supervision service for the construction of supply point are always ordered by AS Tallinna Vesi.
Prepares the connection contract
Based on the exact construction price AS Tallinna Vesi prepares the connection contract along with annexes and presents it to the customer for their approval. The construction work must not commence before the connection contract is signed.
Pays the connection charge
The connection charge contains the actual costs of constructing the public water supply and/or sewerage pipes needed for the property. If the connection is made to the network the connection costs of which have been fully paid for and no other connectees were known at the time of construction, the water company is obliged to refund part of the connection charge to those who were connected earlier. The amount to be added to the connection charge shall be calculated based on the methodology for calculating connection charges, using the costs incurred and taking into account the depreciation of the public water supply and/or sewerage pipes.
AS Tallinna Vesi
is responsible for:
1. Street pipeline
2. Supply point
is responsible for:
3. Pipes within the property
Construction of the pipes within the property
Customers are able to start the construction of the pipes within their property simultaneously with the construction of a supply point. In order to be able to use the temporary water supply and/or wastewater service during the construction activity, the customer needs to submit a relevant application to AS Tallinna Vesi by filling in this form. After the completion of construction of the pipes within the property the customer needs to contact AS Tallinna Vesi again, either by phone 626 2200 or e-mail tvesi@tvesi.ee, to set the appointment for the installation of a water meter and for the site inspection.
Inspects the pipes, prepares a boundary drawing
The representative of AS Tallinna Vesi inspects the property’s water metering unit and installs a water meter there. After the visit, the representative prepares the required documents (inspection report and boundary drawing), which shall be annexed to the contract for the sale of water supply and/or wastewater services.
Finalising the service contract
AS Tallinna Vesi prepares the contract for the sale of water supply and/or wastewater services and sends it to the customer for their approval.
Connection process is required in case the property does not have a connection to the public water supply and/or sewerage system or in case the property owner wishes to reconstruct the current connections.
NB! Starting from 01.04.2021, connections to AS Tallinna Vesi’s system can be built by the partners who have been qualified in course of the procurement process made for the new framework agreement (reference number 232105).
The current list of partners included in the framework agreement can be obtained here.
The builder of a specific supply point is selected by AS Tallinna Vesi during a mini-competition between the partners of the framework agreement that is arranged through the Public Procurement Register.
With the Regulation No 16, “Procedure for compensation for the charges for connection to the public water supply and sewerage system”, issued on 17.06.2021 by the Tallinn City Council, available here, the local government decided to partially compensate for the charges for connection to the public water supply and/or sewerage system (hereinafter the PWSS). The person who gets connected to PWSS and is entitled to compensation must submit an application for compensation, including the required annexes, to uvk@tallinnlv.ee.
More detailed information on the application for compensation can be found here.
If the developer wishes to build public water supply and sewerage pipelines and pumping stations in AS Tallinna Vesi’s service area, a development contract will be concluded. More details on the process of concluding a development agreement can be found here.