Additional chlorine is added to tap water in some areas of Tallinn

Chlorine is further added to the tap water in Harku town and in the streets of Trummi and Mäepealse, Kolde Avenue and Jääraku Road, and in the streets nearby. Chlorine helps to maintain water quality in the pipeline and chlorine is further added in areas where chlorine levels are normally very low.

Due to very high weather temperatures, additional chlorination of tap water was also started in Lasnamäe and Õismäe area.

It is a routine operational activity that helps to maintain water quality in the water network. Water can still be taken from the tap and used for drinking and preparing food. To reduce the taste or smell of chlorine in the drinking water, we recommend to fill a jug with tap water and keep it on the table or store in a fridge before drinking.

The level of chlorine in water is regulated by the Regulation No 61 of the Minister of Social Affairs on the quality and control requirements and analysis methods for drinking water. The quantities of chlorine added comply with the law and the chlorine levels are constantly monitored.

For questions, please contact Tallinna Vesi’s customer information line at 6262 200 or