
Besides our main responsibilities – production of drinking water and treatment of wastewater – we are committed to improving our community’s awareness of the role and operation of our water and wastewater treatment plants.

We give guided tours into both Ülemiste water treatment plant and Paljassaare wastewater treatment plant.

In addition to the group visits we have open house days in both plants each year, during which also tours are organised in Estonian and Russian. Tour information is available in the news’ page on our website and Facebook page.

Information for visitors

Tours take 1-2 hours on average and are free of charge. The size of groups is 10-20 people.

Tours include quite a long walks outdoors. We recommend you to wear comfortable walking shoes and dress for the weather.

Advance registration is required for tours. If interested, please let us know by e-mail or by phone 5301 2158.