Support activities and principles of support
We want to be actively involved in the activities of the local communites of our service area. We take very seriously the introduction of the principles of corporate social responsibility in our daily activities. We want to develop an eco-friendly mindset among the community by educating our employees and customers.
The overriding idea in our principles of support is that the money entrusted to the company by its customers must be channelled into projects and initiatives that would bring direct benefit to the residents li
ving in the area. We support water-related topics and initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and healthy lifestyles. We want to help promote environmental activities and raise awareness of the need to preserve natural resources.
When planning support activities, we consider the following principles:
- Area of impact. The service area of Tallinna Vesi being in the capital city, we focus on sponsorship and support activities in Tallinn.
- Link to core activity. We contribute to projects that are closely related to our core business, i.e. the provision of water and wastewater services.
- Employee engagement. We consider it important to keep company employees informed and actively involved in sponsorship and support projects.
- Systemic approach and consistency. Tallinna Vesi consistently supports the same areas and projects in order to create consistency and clarity in the principles of sponsorship. The decision-making process is properly argued and transparent for candidates.
In our support activities, we focus on two key areas: environmental education and the local community, including community projects and support for people with fewer opportunities.